High Point is committed to the safety of all campers. Our comprehensive safety plan covers staff screening, abuse prevention, weather safety, medical care, and activity safety. 

Safe Hiring Practices

Staff Screening
At High Point, we do not take lightly our calling to find the best and safest staff. All of our applicants must complete an extensive application, undergo a face-to-face interview, submit at least two references, and pass a state and federal background check. Every staff member gets background checked every year. We firmly believe our staff is the cream of the crop! 
First Rate First Aid
Medical Care
For any weekend event or retreat, we have a licensed nurse on-call.  All of our lifeguards and activities leaders are also trained in first aid and are CPR certified. Our camp is located within a 20 minute radius of several urgent care clinics and approximately 20 minutes from the Reading Hospital. 

Zero Tolerance 

Abuse Prevention
We incorporate abuse prevention in every aspect of our camp environment, through training, monitoring, and feedback systems. Our entire staff undergoes extensive training on the rules and procedures we have in place to prevent any type of abuse and every counselor, leader and staff member must pass a test on these abuse prevention concepts.

Have some questions? That's okay!

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